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אירוע // וובינר: אירופה ומלחמת ישראל-חמאס [מרילנד / מקוון] 22.2.24

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/4021804/

Europe and the Israel-Hamas War - Prof. Joanna Dyduch, Prof. Sharon Pardo

The Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies, The University of Maryland

In the wake of Hamas’ October 7, 2023, attack, and the subsequent Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, many European governments faced the challenge of navigating complex geopolitical dynamics, addressing domestic pressures, and supporting a long-term sustainable resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This online event aims to delve into the multifaceted European response to the crisis, examining diplomatic efforts, humanitarian initiatives, and the role of regional stability in shaping policy decisions across the continent. The event will also address the Israeli perspective on Europe’s approach to this ongoing crisis.

February 22, 2024 / 20:00-21:30 (IST)


Message publisher
Dr. Ilai Z. Saltzman (he, him, his) Director The Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies, http://www.israelstudies.umd.edu 0124A Taliaferro Hall | University of Maryland | College Park, MD 20742 Tel: 301-405-2931 | E-mail: saltzman@umd.edu
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