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אירוע // כנס: חומות, גבולות ואזורי ספר בעבר ובהווה [ירושלים] 18-20.12.22

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/2120301/

The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Conference: Walls, Borders, and Frontier Zones in the Ancient and the Contemporary World

The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Conference | 18-20/12/22

Walls, Borders and Frontier Zones in the Ancient and the Contemporary World

Sunday, December 18, A Public Opening Event – The Citadel – Tower of David

Monday, December 19, Academic panels – Walls and Border Demarcations Between Past and Present, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus – Mandel building

Tuesday, December 20, Academic panels – The Concept of Borders Throughout Time, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus – Mandel building


Alexander Yakobson, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dan Golan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

David B. Carter, Washington University in St. Louis

David Robinson, Colgate University

Dror Wahrman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The

Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yao

Efrat Ben-Ze’ev, Ruppin Academic Center

Erez Ben-Yosef, Tel Aviv University

Gideon Avni, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Israel

Antiquities Authority

Gideon Shelach-Lavi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Gil Gambash, Haifa University

Gili Drori, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Guy Bar-Oz, Haifa University

Howard Williams, University of Chester

The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Conference | 18-20/12/22

Walls, Borders and Frontier Zones

in the Ancient and the Contemporary World

Johannes Lotze, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Michal Biran, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Noam Leshem, Durham University

Raz Saker-Barzilay, Tel Aviv University

Roi Sabar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Shaul Arieli, Reichman University

Sören Stark, New York University

Tal Ulus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Uri Davidovich, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Uriel Abulof, Cornell University and Tel Aviv University

Walter Pohl, University of Vienna

Ying Tung Fung, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Yitzhak Jae, Haifa University

Yuri Pines, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Zhidong Zhang, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

For more information please visit: https://thewall.huji.ac.il/conferences

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טל אולוס tal.ulus@mail.huji.ac.il
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מגדל דוד, ירושלים & האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים קמפוס הר הצופים, בנין מנדל
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