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קול קורא // למאמרים: לכתב העת למחקר היסטורי וסוציולוגי של הדתות (אנגלית); ללא דלליין

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/8112734/

Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry

In partnership with Wipf and Stock Publishers, the Editorial Advisory Board for the peer-reviewed academic journal, Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry(SHERM journal), is now accepting article submissions from all qualified persons relating to any one of the following fields of study:

  • Religious History
  • Historical Theology
  • Historical Jesus
  • Psychology of Religion
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Anthropology of Religion
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Religious Trends and Demographics
  • Issues in Contemporary Theology
  • Ancient, Medieval, and Contemporary Christian Literature
  • Patristic, Medieval, and Contemporary Exegesis
  • Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Writings
  • Ancient Israelite Religion and Second Temple Judaism
  • History and Literature of Contemporary Judaism
  • Hebrew Bible
  • New Testament
  • Textual Criticism
  • Islamic Studies
  • Mormon Studies
  • Native American Religion
  • Hinduism, Buddhism, and Other World Religions
  • Historical and Contemporary Religious Revivals and Sects
  • New Religious Movements (Cults)
  • Religious Violence
  • Religious Liberty
  • Freedom from Religion
  • General Religious Studies

Keep in mind that SHERM is 100% not-for-profit with independent funding, so we never ask our authors for money to publish their research with us.

לעוד פרטים

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