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קול קורא // מאמרים (כתב עת): קיפוח יחסי וקורבנוּת קולקטיבית. דדליין לתקצירים=30.6.18

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/8062320/

Relative Deprivation and Collective Victimhood

שלום רב,
על פי בקשתו של עורך כתב העת PDS אני מפרסם את הקול הקורא המצורף למאמרים בנושא relative deprivation and collective victimhood . העורך הראשי ממש מעוניין במאמרים מישראל. אני מקווה שתמצאו בכך עניין.
כל טוב,
אורי לויתן

Prof. Uriel Leviatan, Ph. D.
Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. Of Haifa
Institute for Kibbutz Studies, Univ. Of Haifa
Mail: leviatan@soc.haifa.ac.il

Special Issue on Relative Deprivation and Collective Victimhood
(Volume 31 Number 1 March 2019)
Editor: Namita Pande University of Allahabad, Allahabad

Individuals and groups around the world are seen engaged in competition with each other which implicate a host of cognitive and affective processes. The major goal is to enhance positive outcomes for self and for their own groups in comparison to others. The implicated processes are influenced by their social, economic and political contexts and their histories and cultures. Two of the negative consequences which result from such comparisons are related to feelings of relative deprivation and collective victimhood. Empirical research has shown how such feelings both at the individual and at the group levels have fed interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. A very large number of studies on this subject have been carried out in societies in which the divide between the haves and have-nots is clear which have well established social categories but not in developing societies where inequalities of all kinds abound. The major difference between the two societies is that developing societies are characterized by scarce resources and extreme levels of inequalities. States have actively sought to narrow various perpetual divides through social policies, such as, through affirmative action programmes, quotas in political representations and in jobs. These, however, had mixed success. In quite a few countries the actual and the perceived divides between groups have only… read more

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