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אירוע // כנס: הכנס ה-11 של האגודה האירופאית לחקר ישראל: ישראל בצומת דרכים – מדינה וחברה אל מול מהפך פוליטי [אב"ג / שדה בוקר & באר שבע] 8-10.10.23

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/3092802/

the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS) in 2023: 'Israel at the Crossroads: State and Society Facing a Political Upheaval'

The aim of the conference is to bring together international scholars from a variety of disciplines, who are engaged in research in any aspect of Israel Studies and neighbouring fields.

With political polarization at its height in Israeli society and other countries, this year the conference addresses the problem of multiple challenges to democracy in Israel as well as in other countries. This comparative perspective allows us to better understand the political and social trends in the contemporary world. What might be the societal, political, and economic repercussions of the recent developments – and how the academic world may respond and contribute to finding a solution.



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