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קול קורא // לכנס: כנס תלמידי/ות מחקר בפילוסופיה [שטוקהולם 12/21] דדליין=1.6.21

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/1052204/

7th Stockholm Graduate Conference in Philosophy

We are pleased to announce the 7th Stockholm Graduate Conference in Philosophy, to take place at Stockholm Universityon 9-10 December, 2021. The Stockholm Graduate Conference in Philosophy is a biannual event in Stockholm, showcasing top graduate work in philosophy from around the world.

This year’s keynote speakers are Elizabeth Harman (Princeton) and L.A. Paul (Yale).

We invite abstracts from current graduate students in any area of philosophy. Abstracts should be no more than 1500 words, including notes, and prepared for blind review. Please also include a cover letter (as a separate file) stating your name, affiliation, email address, and the subject area of your submission (e.g. ethics, metaphysics, epistemology). Submissions and enquiries should be sent to stockholmgraduateconference@gmail.com.

Each successful applicant will be allocated a faculty respondent, who will provide written comments and serve as a commentator at the conference. Successful applicants are expected to send a longer version of their paper (3000-4000 words) to their allocated respondent by November 9th.


Message publisher
מערכת רמה - רשת מדעי הרוח והחברה info@hum-il.com *** רמה אינה קשורה להודעה זו ואין בידיה מידע נוסף. לכל שאלה הנוגעת להודעה ולפרטי התקשרות יש להקליק על הקישור המפנה אל האתר הרלוונטי.
Full address
Spelbomskan, Frescativägen 6, Stockholm
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