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קול קורא // לכנס: הכנס השנתי של פורום תלמידי/ות מחקר לימי הביניים והעת החדשה המוקדמת: מעוותים ושוכחים - הכתיבה (מחדש) של היסטוריה, קהילה וזכרון [בירמינגהם, מקוון 06/21] דדליין=1.4.21

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/1022301/

EMREM 2021 Annual Symposium-CFP - Forging and Forgetting: The (Re)writing of History, Community and Memory

This year we invite you to join us as we celebrate EMREM’s 10th annual symposium with a fantastic, interdisciplinary, two-day virtual symposium hosted by the University of Birmingham (if demand is sufficient, the conference may be extended to a third day.) This year’s theme is ‘Forging and Forgetting: the (re)writing of history, community and memory’. We invite papers from PGs and ECRs working on the Medieval or Early Modern periods to give papers of 20 minutes relating to the conference theme.

Forging and Forgetting: The (Re)writing of History, Community and Memory

After last year’s symposium was cancelled, the EMREM committee are very pleased to announce that our annual EMREM Symposium is back and better than ever!

This year we invite you to join us as we celebrate EMREM’s 10th annual symposium with a fantastic, interdisciplinary, two-day virtual symposium hosted by the University of Birmingham (if demand is sufficient, the conference may be extended to a third day.) This year’s theme is ‘Forging and Forgetting: the (re)writing of history, community and memory’.

Humans have long kept records of events; be they written accounts or oral histories, song and story, deeds and people immortalised in artworks, memorials, and buildings. As the 7th June toppling of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol and Confederate memorials throughout the USA in the wake of the BLM movement shows, and as the deliberate destruction of cultural monuments and buildings by various regimes throughout history demonstrate, memory and the markers of it are not static. Similarly, buildings and the landscape more generally, change in use and shape, are remodelled, rebuilt, restored, or destroyed, changing in purpose and importance over time.

We invite papers from PGs and ECRs working on the Medieval or Early Modern periods to give papers of 20 minutes relating to the conference theme. Topics could include, but not limited to, the following:·

– Historical approaches and methodologies
– Popular history and historical fiction
– Constructing memories
– Change and consequences
– Identity and communities
– Triumphs and losses
– (Un)reliable Narrators
– Reformations and schisms
– Renaissances
– Life and death
– Forgotten and neglected histories
– Reinterpreting people, events, and artefacts
– Revising the past
– The material and the imagined
– Historiography
– Destruction and restoration
– The changing landscape
– Memory and remembering


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מערכת רמה - רשת מדעי הרוח והחברה info@hum-il.com *** רמה אינה קשורה להודעה זו ואין בידיה מידע נוסף. לכל שאלה הנוגעת להודעה ולפרטי התקשרות יש להקליק על הקישור המפנה אל האתר הרלוונטי.
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