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קול קורא // לכנס: הכנס השנתי של האגודה להיסטוריה של מדעי החברה ומדעי ההתנהגות [מקוון 06/22] דדליין=28.2.22

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/2021122/

Cheiron: The international society for the history of behavioral & social sciences

The “Call for Papers” for the 54th Annual Meeting of Cheiron, the International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences, appears to the left. We hope that you consider sharing your research and developing ideas by submitting papers for presentation, arranging thematic sessions or roundtable discussions, and attending the meetings, which will be held using a virtual format on June 21-23, 2022.

We understand that virtual meetings are a poor substitute for normal face-to-face meetings. Nevertheless, we intend to make the transition as painless as possible. Toward that end, we will schedule shorter sessions, have a thirty‐minute break between sessions to create opportunities for you to chat with the presenters as well as members of the audience. In addition, as in the past, special one‐hour sessions will be devoted to the Scarborough Lecture and the Cheiron Book Award.

We are also pleased to announce that the registration fee is quite affordable: $10 for members of Cheiron, $15 for non‐members, free admission to graduate and undergraduate students.

Please consider participating either as a presenter, active discussant, or engaged listener this coming June 21-23, 2022. The deadline for submission, as indicated in the “Call for Papers,” is February 28, 2022.


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מערכת רמה - רשת מדעי הרוח והחברה info@hum-il.com *** רמה אינה קשורה להודעה זו ואין בידיה מידע נוסף. לכל שאלה הנוגעת להודעה ולפרטי התקשרות יש להקליק על הקישור המפנה אל האתר הרלוונטי.
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