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קול קורא // כנס: מגדר בהיסטוריה כלכלית וחברתית [ליסבון 11/18] דדליין=16.4.18

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Call for Papers: "Gender in economic and social history", 38th Conference of the Portuguese Economic and Social History Association

38th Conference of the Portuguese Economic and Social History Association “Gender in economic and social history”, Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Centre of History of the University of Lisbon

6-17 November 2018

Gender as an analytical tool has been increasingly used by historians in the last few decades in a wide range of domains. The aspects of social and economic history where the gender dimension is relevant are numerous: assessment of social functions, different patterns of insertion in the labour market, of wage levels, of access to property or wealth, of acquisition of human capital, of participation in the life of firms are just a few examples. We invite scholars who wish to contribute to the debate on gender issues in economic and social history to present proposals for panels or individual papers. The submission of panel proposals and individual papers on any other topic in economic and social history is also welcome.

Paper proposals should include 4 keywords, an abstract (max. 500 words) indicating the topic, the aims, the theoretical approach and the empirical foundations; and a CV of no more than 400 words. Panel proposals should include the same information for each participant and paper; and should include three participants and a chair.

Deadline for submission of proposals: April 16, 2018
Confirmation of accepted proposals: June 4, 2018
Deadline for submission of full texts: October 15, 2018
Proposals and full texts should be sent to: aphes38@gmail.com

Keynote speaker
Jane Humphries, Emeritus Professor of Economic History at the University of Oxford


Grants for students
Grants that cover registration costs are available for students. More information at: http://www.aphes.pt/images/RegBolsas.pdf

Deadline for applications: September 17, 2018. They should be sent to: aphes38@gmail.com

APHES Prize 2018
A prize will be awarded to the best paper of a young researcher presented at the Meeting. See the Regulation at: https://www.aphes.pt/index.php/premio/premio-aphes/regulamento

Applications should equally be sent to:

Scientific Committee
Amélia Polónia (FLUP/ CITCEM) – President
Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues (FLUL, CHUL)
Isabel dos Guimarães Sá (U. Minho)
José Luís Cardoso (ICS-U. Lisboa)
Álvaro Ferreira da Silva (Nova SBE)
Cristiana Bastos (ICS-U. Lisboa)
Rosa Pérez (ISCTE-IUL)
Irene Vaquinhas (CHSC, FLUC)

Organizing Committee
Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues (FLUL, CHUL)
Graça Almeida Borges (CIDHEUS, U. Évora)
Manuela Santos Silva (FLUL, CHUL)
Maria Leonor Garcia da Cruz (FLUL, CHUL)


Information for registration: https://enaphes2018.weebly.com/registration.html

Message publisher
מערכת רמה - רשת מדעי הרוח והחברה info@hum-il.com *** רמה אינה קשורה להודעה זו ואין בידיה מידע נוסף. לכל שאלה הנוגעת להודעה ולפרטי התקשרות יש להקליק על הקישור המפנה אל האתר הרלוונטי.
Full address
אוניברסיטת ליסבון, פורטוגל
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